The Boring News

Yadav murder: HC junks bail plea of Karwariya brothers

The Boring News Co.

One-liner: The Allahabad HC has dismissed the bail applications of Surya Bhan Karwariya, Kapil Muni Karwariya, Uday Bhan Karwariya and one more person in the 1986 Jawahar Yadav murder case.

Inconsistency: A two-judge bench rejected the pleas of the convicts. The appellant's plea was that while passing the conviction order, the sessions judge failed to consider the serious inconsistency in the statements of prosecution witnesses, and that the prosecution failed to prove its case against the appellants beyond a reasonable doubt.

Plea not considered: It was also argued that the plea of alibi of the appellants was not considered though they had produced witnesses in support thereof that they were present at some other place at the time of the incident.

Unfounded: The court, however, did not accept the arguments and observed, "Contention of the appellants that the plea of alibi was not considered though they have produced defence witnesses in support thereof is unfounded.

Case not fit for bail: The court, while rejecting the bail plea, observed, "In view of the above, considering the gravity of offence and evidence on record, we do not find this case fit for bail, therefore, the bail applications of the appellants are rejected."